Why a
could be right for your business in 2020
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Wall murals aren’t something many business owners would consider when setting up their space but they really should! After all, cafes, restaurants and boutiques are more than what they sell, they are also environments that set one another apart and are an experience for customers. Murals can take different forms, from outdoor, indoor or window designs.
Here are some reasons why you should consider wall art for your business?
Low cost, high reward
You might think that a custom wall mural would cost a lot but this doesn’t have to be the case. By commissioning local artists, you can often get them for less than you’d expect, especially if they are at the beginning of their career and are looking to build their portfolio. Plus if they go on to become very successful, your mural could be worth a lot in the future! A tip would be to choose a more minimalist design if you want to keep costs down as most artists charge by the hour.
Sure, while the initial cost of a mural would probably be more than buying some decorations online, in the long run, it could be a good financial investment. This is because a custom mural will rarely go out of style in the same way interior decorations can and will often drive business to your space in a way that a pot plant from IKEA never can. What’s more, if you are tight for space, they take up absolutely no room but can really change the feel of a space.
While wall murals aren’t new, they’re growing in popularity. In addition to standing out for all of the right reasons, they’re inexpensive compared to other marketing and communication options (e.g. billboards, conventional business signs, etc.), and they’re also removable — so if the message no longer applies or there’s a desire for something different, you can simply paint over it.
Instagram star
We all know that social media can be a HUGE marketing tool for any local business, and in the age of Instagram, murals take on a new meaning. A unique mural could turn your cafe or shop into a social media star. I know from personal experience that many people visit such places purely for their interior decor and Instagram appeal (there are literally whole blog posts dedicated to the most instagrammable cafes in an area). Advertising on social media is a very big deal for coffee shops and other creative businesses that rely on word of mouth, especially once restrictions on lockdown are lifted and people want to experience their local areas again. Having a special custom mural created is a fantastic way to boost your cafe’s social media presence and show you are very much open for business. When customers take selfies or photos in front of the mural, those posts get shared and your business will get tons of free publicity. Who wouldn’t want that?!
Here's an example from Kynd cafe, who's wall mural turned the place into a tourist attraction. Pretty much all their tagged photos on Instagram include the piece.

A painted bathroom by Lucy Tiffney

Boost business
Not only can murals drive your business through social media, but they can encourage passersby to pause and have a look or step in. A bright mural on the side of your shop or within the view of your window is an ideal way to get people to notice it. That way when people are walking, cycling, or driving by they can easily spot it.
According to expert studies, there is a close connection between colors, emotions and sales. Colors ignite emotions; emotions boost sales. Wall murals that have brightly colored images/graphics cause emotional responses in customers. In turn, the emotional responses encourage customers to buy goods and services that a business offers. Even businesses like Gucci, Adidas and Givenchy have hopped on the mural trend as a way to drive sales.
A memorable brand
In a competitive, oversaturated market good branding is the key to standing out. Creating a strong and memorable brand identity gives you an edge over your competitors, you have banding on your website and social media so why not translate that to your walls. Murals can be anything to suit your brand, there are really no boundaries. Some businesses might suit bright and minimalist styles like this, while others want something dark and more artistic. A unique look to your business makes it stand out from the rest and makes it more likely to stick in the mind of a potential customer.
Stay relevant in a new age of retail
After the Coronavirus pandemic, people are more interested than ever in supporting their local businesses and fostering a sense of community. Coffee shops, restaurants, hairdressers and boutiques are some of the best places where people can do this, to meet each other and hang out. In light of this, the nature of retail is changing. Now, consumer experience is king and the only way retail businesses will survive is by providing customers with a memorable visit. A mural will build your brand and keep regulars coming back, plus they are a brilliant talking point and support local creatives.
If you think that a wall mural could benefit your business I'd love to hear from you and discuss possible designs!